These images show corrosion/poor finish

This image shows poor finish and swarf projecting into the interior
Only one of the two holes will fit on to the support arm, rendering this piece unusable and normal truing of the grindstone impossible.

These 2 tracks show the machine running forwards and backwards, each through the entire speed range. This machine sounds far from healthy.

Video illustrating excessive vibration. Video filmed after ensuring grindstone was running true, flat and in balance.


Water -as mentioned in my original email even at the lowest speed water is thrown off the wheel. When sharpening bowl and spindle gouges using a swinging jig water runs down the flute onto the machine, workbench and floor and on to the user.
Grindstone – The stone wears at an excessive rate after sharpening (not reshaping) just 5 gouges without using excess pressure.
The support arm is very difficult to insert/remove from sockets.